The Legend of the Hustle Man


By Layla K. and Azadeh C., age 12

10 years ago on a night like any other…


The first door. The patter of steps, similar to a gallop, across the wooden platform in front of the bunk.


The second door.


The door swings open, revealing a man. He resembles a lumberjack, tall and burly, with a red beanie, an outdoorsy vest and large black combat boots. Danny, a 14-year-old boy residing in Bunk 2 at IHC (a previous WriCampia camp location), stared at the man looming high above him. The man, in a non-frightening jovial voice yelled, “I AM THE HUSTLE MAN!,” before disappearing into the night. For many years to follow, “Hustle Man” became an integral part of WriCampia lore and culture.

The Yearly WriCampian was able to reach Danny, now 24, on the phone. ”That moment was “life-changing,” he said.

It was so important to him, in fact, that he took time out of his work day in Washington, DC to share his story.

That was the first sighting of the Hustle Man, with more to follow. During the Hustle Man era, from 2014 to about 2016, Camp Director Rebecca Wallace-Segall, among others, tells us that Hustle Man stories were told every night at camp, especially around the campfires.

In those years, The Hustle Man left many signs that reminded WriCampians of his presence. For instance, as Max Kahn, a counselor who attended WriCampia as a camper during the era of the Hustle Man, tells us that Dexter (a camper and friend of Max) was one of the people who came in close contact with the Hustle Man. As he recalls, Dexter appreciated the solace of writing lakeside where he wasn’t easily distracted, so at night he would sneak down to type by the lake (which technically was not allowed). Alone.

One night, Dexter heard the sound of a counselor approaching and scurried away without taking his computer with him. When he came back the next day to see if the computer was still there, he saw his computer open and his story document filled with comments he hadn’t written. As he scrolled to the very bottom of his document, he saw that someone had written a note. It said, “Please sign out next time — the hustle man.” Dexter had a heck of a story to tell at the campfire that night!

This story, among others, was a large part of what solidified the Hustle Man’s general reputation as protector of WriCampia and a good, helpful person. Of course, there were some exceptions. When interviewing him, Max started with a solemn story about the darker side of his relationship with the Hustle Man. To begin the story, he expressed his infatuation with a girl named Helen. He eventually worked up the courage to propose to her, at age 15, but Helen rejected him. He saw less and less of Helen after that. Finally Max asked if there was someone new in her life. “It’s not someone, it’s something,” she said. “He wouldn’t tell me his name, but he went by the Hustle Man.” The Hustle Man was not only a protector. He stole hearts.

There were many other, smaller events, where Hustle Man left trails. The Hustle Man may not have made any appearances since COVID started, but we believe he has an attachment to WriCampia because WriCampians will tell his story. By fate or by choice, he is WriCampia’s guardian. “The Hustleman’s hustle attitude and confidence is inspiring, reminding you to be upfront and bold about who you are,” Danny said. This whimsical lumberjack certainly knows how to leave an impression, and he will live on in legend and in our hearts.

Who knows, maybe one day you’ll have a close encounter with the famed Hustle Man. According to instructors Kendra and Javeria, the Hustle Man was recently spotted by a group of campers during late night electives. There has been a lot of talk about him these past few days, and it sounds like the Hustle Man is starting to gather fame and make appearances; soon, new stories will be told at the campfire and new memories will be made!

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