The Wackadoodle Relationship Between Polly and his Puppet


By Sebastian Gonzalez, Age 11

Instructor Jem, Puppet Polly, and I connected at the picnic tables between the dining hall and the soccer field for a short conversation touching on their camp experiences and the power dynamic between them. Polly spoke stridently with what might have been a New Jersey-inflected voice, and Jem spoke in more hushed tones.

Question: Before we start, can I get your names?

Jem’s Answer: Jem. Jem Werner. J-E-M
Polly’s Answer: I’m Polly. Polly the crow. As I said, P-O-L-L-Y, polly.

Question: Alright, first off, how has your experience been at camp so far?

Jem’s Answer: My experience has been great. I love to get to see people getting to try new things, things they may have not done before.
Polly’s Answer: What I love about my WriCampia experience so far is because everyone loves me. It’s really welcoming here. It’s nice being welcomed.

Question: Have either of you heard of The Hustleman?

Jem’s Answer: Heard of him? I’ve seen the Hustleman. I woke up last night at two thirty and it was warm and I thought I saw him tapping on the window of another bunk and I told him, “Hey, scram!” And he ran like a flea.
Polly’s Answer: Yeah, I know The Hustleman. I hang in the same circle with him. Last night I played Go Fish with him, the Man on the Lake, Mabel, and this kid named Watermelon Baby.

Question: What are your opinions on Mabel the Unicorn?

Jem’s Answer: In years past I’ve also been Mabel’s manager. I like working with talking animals. I like how she’s kind, and yeah.
Polly’s Answer: No good at Go Fish.

Question: Do you like the food here?

Jem’s Answer: I’m not a picky eater. I tend to eat everything. Every day, I like to go around and eat something from every section.
Polly’s Answer: It’s alright. But I think that we could have a good ol’ worm and seed night, you know?

Question: To close the interview, who do you think the puppet is here?

Jem’s Answer: I spent my summer taking puppetry workshops and after those eight weeks I came out with Polly and knowledge on puppetry. Whenever I put Polly on, I bring Polly to life with breath, brain and focus. Polly feels like a real bird.
Polly’s Answer: Oh, he’s a puppet. He’s a puppet for sure. Anything you tell him to do, he’ll do it. You see all those directors running around? That’s puppet behavior.

Question: Anything else you would like to say?

Jem’s Answer: I’d like to say, this is the first year that we’ve brought puppetry to camp. I love to see all the puppets and it’s a great elective. I want to expand on it in future years. I’d also like to thank all the new puppeteers that came to the elective.
Polly’s Answer: I’M THE KING OF WRICAMPIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time, Polly.

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