Tribute to Harry the Toad


By Maya Savard, age 14

On the way back from the pool party, my friends and I discovered a toad that looked like it had been hit by a golf cart. He was hanging to the last threads of life. There was nothing we could do except get him off the road and let him pass. We named him Harry, after Harry Styles, our bunk (2A)’s mascot. Cate S, an Upper Camper, said a Hail Mary for him, and Maxanne, also an upper camper, said a Jewish prayer.

When I woke up in the morning he had passed away. The previous night I had placed some very pretty flower petals around him so his last moments were that of beauty. He crossed the rainbow bridge on one of those flower petals. We buried him during rest hour and said Jewish, Christian, and Hindu prayers. Rebecca and Elsa even joined us in saying goodbye. We placed chamomile, goldenrod, and other flowers on his grave. RIP Harry. May you go to a place where food is plentiful and the world is safe. I hope this will be a reminder to watch where you step, and care for the creatures around.

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