Curated by Nell Choi, age 16
Cartoon illustration credits: Lillian W, 14 and Hollyn A, 14
Thursday Night Fever
Dear Diary,
At the dance on Thursday night I screamed my lungs out and danced my pants off with my nearest and dearest friends. Afterward two of my friends and I went to songwriting in preparation for Wrichella. We goofed around and sang and had deep conversations, all while laughing with and at each other. A nice little moment of peace and quiet after the crazy dance 🙂
–Kate S, 15

Dear Diary,
I’ve never had this much fun making a movie. From the dramatics, to each
retake, to the writing and directing, it’s been incredible. To my fellow actor: you have a talent that cannot be replicated; I am so proud of you. To the cameraman: your patience and your ideas have not only made the film more fun, but made the time we spent making the film more fun. To my fellow director and editor: I love laughing with you, the ideas you contribute, and your sheer creativity. To my full team: hats off to you, and thank you for this super fun experience.
-Elise Magnell, 15

The Peaceful Section
Dear Diary,
During Shower Hour, the pavilion was full of upper and senior campers hanging out. I was in the fitness center, but things were getting a little loud, so I went to hang out by the benches, where fellow senior campers were harassing counselor John with allegations, which was funny, but getting a little much. Wanting some quiet, I went onto the porch to hang out with Preston. “This is the peaceful section,” he said.
-Jun L, 16
I Don’t Dance
Dear Diary,
Yesterday was a long day and today is only getting longer. Yesterday all day before the dance I was practicing my dancing and I busted out 4 of the meanest dance moves you’d ever see. So then I went to the dance and no one liked the dance moves anyway it was sad. So then this morning I emailed my mom about what happened and about no one liking my moves and she said “sounds about right” what a day. Thanks for listening, Diary, I’m sure you think I can dance.
-Ella M

Hydration Hitwomen
Dear Diary,
Andie’s workshop is very unhinged. We steal cough drops, lucky charms, and most of all, WATER. Every meal, we sneakily snatch the coveted water pitchers from each table. The funniest part is when they don’t even notice. Once, we stole 6 water pitchers from different tables. And the best part is, we don’t waste water! We always finish EVERY pitcher that we steal. After all, thousands have lived without love, but not one has lived without water.
-Ila, 11 (plus others in Andie’s workshop)

Being Corny and Friends
Dear Diary,
My friend had to leave on Saturday, which was very unexpected and sad. I had just written the beginnings of a song about Wricampia at Friday night and I stood in front of her bed and announced “I’m gonna do something and it’s gonna be really corny.” And then I started singing. And stopped because I was off key. And then started again, on key. And then finished. And awkwardly shuffled away.
–Lili, 14
Lizz’s Workshop’s Shrimpstravaganza
Dear Diary,
Our workshop is in a small WBY room that has nothing but some couches, a table, some chairs, and some shelves with foam figurines. Among those figurines was a shrimp, and we named the shrimp Jermy Shwartz. We used this funny shrimp idea as a basis for “hot laptop.” We eventually came up with some funny phrases such as: “It’s shrimple, you see”; “So, are you peruvian or peruvian?”; “’I’m a shlawyer.’ ‘Shmagaggle? I’ve never heard of such a thing,’ Bob said; “You must not have gone to shlollege. Dont worry – I didn’t either,’ Jermy declared.”
This activity reminded me why writing games are so important and enjoyable, and our workshop had lots of fun with the activity (we even printed out shrimp-themed posters to hang up in our room).
-Sophie K, 16