The Rise and Fall of Gaga Ball


By Jackson Preston-Werner, 12

Last summer at WriCampia, while the rest of camp was reading, joking, writing, or sleeping, one Lower Camp bunk was playing Gaga Ball whenever they could.The Gaga Pit held no more than 10 players at a time back then. Last year in this publication I wrote, “If you want to know how Lower Camp is gaga for Gaga Ball, then you should keep reading because I’m about to tell you how.” This year, it is not a phenomenon you could have possibly missed.

Even though some of those original boys are no longer at camp, and some are in Middle Camp now, the game saw a surge of interest and had become more popular than ever in the summer of 2024. “Gaga Ball is the most popular activity for my age group right now,” said Lower Camper Sebastian G.

With over 30 participants at least five times a day with players of all ages and genders, the game was booming! Campers enjoyed experimenting with many different formats of play, such as going after the ball at all times, hiding behind others, wall-hopping, running away, and teaming together. Teaming was very popular, and tended to result in boys vs. girls pitted against one another, with the counselors busting out dance-like moves to dodge the ball and defeat the campers.

Some name-calling ensued, friendly at first, but it quickly escalated. “I don’t call people names, because it’s mean,” said Gaga Ball player and Middle Camper Leena R. Still, tensions continued to rise. Sadly, like with all sports, arguments broke out.

After some counselor intervention, all fights about rules and teaming dissolved–and became moot. At the time of the writing of this article, Gaga Ball has been indefinitely suspended. Since the suspension, important conversations have sprouted concerning both campers and counselors. The hope is that growth can arise from this competitive dilemma.

Although the suspension of Gaga Ball is in place, some still hold hope that it may return in the future.

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