Invent a Track


By Layla Kumar and Azadeh Campwala, age 12

Have you ever found yourself wishing for a track that doesn’t exist? Well these anonymous sources here certainly do! Out of the 53 participants, 8 agreed that the tracks we already have were enough. 8 different people also agreed that making baking (and cooking) a track, not just an elective, would be a great idea. A shout out to Camii for that!

A surprising 11 people were hyped about devoting a whole track to various sports, such as martial arts, horseback riding, and dance. A few people suggested we add a poetry, debate, or book club as tracks. While there were lots of other creative ideas in the mix, the ones mentioned above were most popular.

There is value in each one of these ideas, and you never know; maybe one day your desired track will be added to the track options!

“Tracks evolve organically, often based on elective popularity and sometimes are inspired by exciting surveys like this one! Usually tracks have a showcase component but most activities can be celebrated in a variety of ways!” said Rebecca Wallace-Segall, director of WriCampia.

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