Pros & Cons of Being a First Year Camper


By Sophia Hammond, age 13

Maya stood bags in hand looking up the steps to her new bunk for the first time. Jay took his seat in the dining hall watching all the other campers pass by for his last first breakfast at WriCampia. Whether you’re a returning camper or a newbie, WriCampia provides a fun way to spend the summer and a way to work on activities you’re passionate about. There is a substantial amount of diversity at camp, but one thing that every camper has in common is that at one point everyone was a first-year camper. What do some of the campers think about the experience of being a first year camper?

Greatest Pros

Asked for her thoughts on the largest Pros to being a first year camper, Jo W-S paused to think. ‘’Getting to meet new people and being whoever you want were the best parts of being at camp for the first year,’’ she said. Starting at a new camp includes such advantages as being pleasantly surprised by the activities and discovering new, previously untapped interests. This reporter posed the same question to first-year Middle Camper Zia. “The best part of being a first year camper is that you don’t know what’s happening so it’s a surprise,’’ she said. “Being a first-year camper means you can find things on your own without the influence of campers from other years,” she added.

Middle Camper Sarah G brought up that one of the biggest Pros to being a first year camper was that, “You get to see everything that other people were working on and have the experience of learning from other campers for the first time.’’ Sarah also said that, “WriCampia can help with people skills, and it’s easier to be social with people who like the same things you do.”

Greatest Cons

When campers were asked what they thought the greatest con to being at camp for the first year was, the vast majority said the lack of familiar faces (at first) was the hardest part.

Others said that new campers don’t always know where everything is, and don’t know the camp breakdown.

“Not knowing anyone is the most difficult part,” Zia confidently exclaimed. The Middle Camper also brought up that finding people who don’t already have friends is challenging.

Being the new camper can feel a lot like being a new student. Making new friends can be difficult and scary for some people,” said Middle Camper Hazel N. She added that learning the culture of a new camp can be difficult.

When questioned about one of the larger cons about being a first year camper Leena R, middle camper, brought up that, “you never really know what you’re walking into, which can be challenging depending on the person.’’ Being surprised by events and traditions can feel both scary and exciting. Pros and cons can differ based on experience.

What Did Older Campers Have To Say?

More seasoned campers play an important role in the experiences of camp newbies. The friends that can be made with peers and people from other ages were some of the biggest answers to what the biggest Pros of camp were. The first year experience varies depending on the camper, but how do the older campers remember their first time experience?

“If I could tell any first year camper one thing it would be to stick around: you will enjoy it,’’ said Middle Camper Lucy L. She also shared that teaching WriCampia campers about the games and traditions at her other camps was one of her favorite parts about being a new camper.

Third-year camper Hazel N’s advice? “Be confident and you will find your people.’’

Meeting new people is an essential life skill, and being confident makes all the difference. Another theme of this reporter’s investigations: being confident doesn’t have to mean changing your personality, and finding people like you is easier at WriCampia than at other camps.

“No matter what happens, WriCampia is worth it!’ said Upper Camper Sonali B.

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