The Swedish Fish: Rocking WriCampia for the Second Time!


By Leena Rajtokia, age 13

It was 2022 and I was 11 years old, watching my idols, the Swedish Fish band, walking up the gravel pathway to the cafeteria. After many rounds of frantic whispering, my friends and I asked them to do the unexpected- Sign our foreheads! They humored our weird request and willingly signed our foreheads. This is my last memory of the Swedish Fish before they aged out of Wricampia–as campers.
What is the story behind the famous band that rocked so many open mics and Wrichellas? Able B, Fiona S, Eli B, Dylan ?, Emmi C, and Sam S started a small band at camp. They performed at open mics, often playing original songs. Emmi did not sing or play an instrument in the band, but the group considered her “[their] manager and VIP band member.” Soon, change struck the Swedish Fish! Eli’s time had ended at camp as he headed off to Yale, so they needed to find a new band member. That is why in 2022 they brought in Scarlett R. who they previously had not known. The group hit it off, and soon they were performing at Wrichella and open mics. In an amazing show where Sam, the drummer, jumped off stage and into some bushes, they gained their fame and popularity that has been carried on to so many waves of Wricampians.

During that same especially memorable show, a band member called out to a random audience member to choose their band name. Tilli M, who was a lower camper at the time, was chosen. She was very surprised when she realized she had been chosen. “I said the first thing that came into my mind,” she said, “which was Swedish Fish, and they were super famous at camp, so I was really excited.”

Having so many fans could put a lot of pressure on anybody but Scarlett, a guitarist and one of their singers, said “I grew up doing competitive dance, so I didn’t really get nervous.” Sam replied, “ I was in a couple bands, including Cellar Head which just finished its last show, so that stopped me from getting stage fright.”

In 2022, after many fun and music-filled years at Wricampia, it was time for the Swedish Fish to graduate camp. They were devastated about leaving; a video of them crying during their graduation speeches is part of a video about Wricampia.

After graduating, they participated in the Writopia Gala at Chelsea Piers, which is a fundraising event in New York. They also occasionally met up with each other and jammed. This year, two years after they left, two members of the Swedish Fish, Scarlett and Sam joined as counselors. Scarlett said that she wanted to come back because “it is such an amazing environment that has so many talented people.” Sam agreed and added, “ I want Wricampia to have a strong musical legacy, and it would be cool if we were a part of that by helping people.” After many rounds of jokeful bantering between themselves, they both said “we also like yelling at our campers.”

Indeed, Sam and Scarlett are contributing to Writopia’s musical legacy. They are often seen in the songwriting track, helping the next wave of Wricampia musicians perfect their compositions. “Watch out for this Wrichella—it’s going to be awesome!” Sam said before Wrichella this year. During the concert, Scarlett and Sam cheered for the performing musicians and accompanied them. Able, another former member of the band, decided to drop in to cheer for the musicians as well. From a rocking band to a group of supportive counselors, the legacy of the Swedish Fish continues.

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