Which Year’s Sweatshirt Do Campers Prefer?


By Sophia Hammond, age 13

WriCampia gives each camper a fun time, a place to work on projects, and a community. Oh, and they give each camper a sweatshirt. But is this year’s navy blue better than its lighter blue counterpart from last year? Let’s hear the campers’ opinions on the signature camp keepsake!

“This year’s sweatshirt is much better,” Senior Camper Phoebe S asserted, both for its aesthetic and because she has worn the sweatshirt much more than she had the previous year.

Similar to Phoebe, Lower Camper Sebastian J said that ‘’this year’s sweatshirt colors are better, even though last years were more vibrant.’’ The majority of campers interviewed said that this year’s sweatshirt was much better than last year’s. The color, feel, and memories made in this year’s sweatshirt were some of the answers given when asked what made the sweatshirt so special.

According to Middle Camper Daniela, the pockets this year are so much bigger than the pockets of last year’s sweatshirt. “You can hold so much more in them!” she said, adding then that the wearability of this year’s sweatshirt is better in general, and the sizes fit more than they did last year.

What Do Campers Have to Say About Last Year’s Sweatshirt:

Middle Camper, Wilson R, mostly agreed with the others, but added that last year’s sweatshirt “wasn’t that bad.” Similarly, Kavya R, another Middle Camper said that she preferred last year’s because it was more colorful “but the sizes fit better this year.’’ She also said that she likes certain things about both sweatshirts and can’t choose one as her favorite.

But Daniela disagrees. “There is nothing good about the sweatshirt from last year,’’ she said, adding that you couldn’t put enough stuff in the pockets.” Daniela exclaimed that, “everything about last year’s sweatshirt sucked!”

Middle Camper Umachi B doesn’t entirely agree, either: “Last year’s colors were fun, but having a darker, more neutral color makes it easier to wear with other clothes.”

Whether you prefer the bright colors or the huge pockets, there is no doubt that the warmest of our camp keepsakes hold memories that will last a lifetime!

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