
Mission Statement


At The Yearly WriCampian, our missions and values guide every character we type and every article we publish. To meet them is our utmost priority, and by acting according to their spirit, we hope to characterize the spirit of WriCampia in an appropriate manner.


Our first mission is to gather, archive, and inform WriCampians on all that is WriCampia through entertaining, thoughtful journalism. We hope to lift the spirits of all those leaving camp, and to give them a satisfaction and understanding of the time they spent.

Like Writopia’s mission, ours is rooted in our belief that celebrating and sharing stories contributes to the building of stronger, more empathetic young people and societies.

Our Values

Impartiality: At The Yearly WriCampian, we attempt to capture the stories of those from all different backgrounds and of all different identities to create a fuller story of WriCampia.

Respect: At The Yearly WriCampian, to achieve our final mission, we treat all our readers and all subjects in our stories with the utmost respect.

Excellence: At The Yearly WriCampian, we strive to deliver articles of the highest quality in order to inform and entertain at the top level.

Creativity: At The Yearly WriCampian, we hope to highlight and represent the creativity of WriCampia in an adequate manner.

The Newsroom

Managing Editor: Preston Leong, age 17

Layout Design and Manager: Maxanne Wallace-Segall, age 15

Daily Editor: Maxanne Wallace-Segall, age 15

Instructor EICs: Lil Gellman & Rebecca Wallace-Segall

Instructor Editors: Kendra Jones, Maya Mendez, Andie Tappenden

Design and Production:

Nell Choi, age 16

Sophie Katz, age 16

Thúy Holder-Vinh, age 15

Amelia Hegsted, age 14

Photo Sourcing:

Sophia Hammond, age 13

Sofia Kicillof, age 13

Staff Writers:

Preston Leong, age 17

Sophie Katz, age 16

Nell Choi, age 16

Maxanne Wallace-Segall, age 15

Thúy Holder-Vinh, age 15

Amelia Hegsted, age 14

Maya Savard, age 14

Sophia Hammond, age 13

Sofia Kicillof, age 13

Leena Rajkotia, age 13

Jackson Preston-Werner, age 12

Layla Kumar, age 12

Azadeh Campwala, age 12

Sebastian Gonzalez, age 10

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