Going from Lower to Middle Camp


By Jackson Preston-Werner, age 12

Transitioning from school to school is scary and transitioning from one part of camp to another is just as scary. Last summer I was a Lower Camper, so going into Middle Camp made me really nervous. There are older kids and higher expectations for your work. I mean, it’s like going into middle school except there are less phones and no lockers. Luckily, I had some amazing friends who helped me through it both in my cabin and in the rest of camp. On top of that, I had the reward of Camp Danbee’s food to get me through.

This summer I was nervous to come to camp because of my inevitable transition to Middle Camp. But I had some great friends that I made last year who would be transitioning with me and who helped me get right back into the mix. Thanks to them and some new friends, I’ve rocked being a Middle Camper, so I’m very thankful. At this rate, I already know I’m gonna be at WriCampia next year, and if I’m still here in two years, I’ll be writing a “Going From Middle to Upper Camp” article. See you next summer!

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