By Jun Lowenhar, age 16 “Is that her real name?” I’ve heard some campers asking. I had to investigate! Maggie can verify that yes, her real middle name sounds just like the day of the week — but is spelled M-U-N-D-A-Y —
“Songwriting” by Cate Shanahan, age 14 Hey WriCampia! My name is Cate, I am an Upper Camper, and I am a part of the Songwriting Track! I have been in songwriting for the past two years and I love it so much.
Each year, I have the pleasure and honor of working on college essay writing with our sensitive, smart, and wonderful rising seniors. This year, Rita and Jane joined in this delight. Please enjoy these short excerpts from each of their exceptional essays.
By Maxanne Wallace-Segall, age 15 and Thúy Holder-Vinh, age 15 The 2024 WriCampia Film Festival comprised a set of films that had the crowd laughing, screaming in terror, and nearly crying. Campers in filmmaking worked hard to plan, write scripts, cast, direct,
By Sebastian Gonzalez, age 10 with Preston Leong, age 17 On August 19th, 2024, a bunch of exceptionally talented campers performed their original songs in front of all of WriCampia at Wrichella in Danbee’s Field House. Opening the show, The Blah Blah
By Sophie Katz, Age 16 Variation has always intrigued me – diversity is the reason why the world is still running (somewhat) smoothly. If we were all lawyers, we would have nobody to run the government or preserve the environment. If we
By Sophia Hammond, age 13 Maya stood bags in hand looking up the steps to her new bunk for the first time. Jay took his seat in the dining hall watching all the other campers pass by for his last first breakfast
By Sophia Hammond, age 13 WriCampia gives each camper a fun time, a place to work on projects, and a community. Oh, and they give each camper a sweatshirt. But is this year’s navy blue better than its lighter blue counterpart from
By Sophie Katz, age 16 Whether you’re an Instagram influencer or someone who can’t stand the feeling of tight leggings, fashion makes up a sliver of every WriCampian’s life. In addition to the numerous electives offered at camp, WriCampia boasts specialized activities
By Thúy Holder-Vinh, age 15 2024 is an election year for the United States. In November (and as early as September in states with early voting), crowds will flock to their designated polling places to cast their votes for the next president